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Speaker Interview: Siska Pottie

Writer's picture: Independent ForumsIndependent Forums

Get to know the thought leaders sharing their insights at the Future Food Systems event (25-26 January, Online | 2 March, London) in our dedicated speaker interview series.


Independent Forums: What is your favorite food?

Siska Pottie: I guess vegetables with a strong taste like Brussels Sprouts, chicory, garlic, mushrooms… I am afraid I have too many favorite foods.

Independent Forums: Who or what has inspired you this year and why?

Siska Pottie: I am inspired by the many individuals that take real action (not just talking or defining future ambitions) to work towards solutions to try to preserve our planet for future generations. It brings a lot of energy and hope, making it worthwhile to continue working on our specific plant-based part of the solution!

Independent Forums: What is your biggest source of motivation?

Siska Pottie: Effectively contributing and achieving results in working for a healthy planet for the future generations (my kids, future grandchildren…).

Independent Forums: How would you describe a typical day?

Siska Pottie: Difficult, no single is day is typical. Reading dossiers, writing policy positions, working with the members and stakeholders towards positions and doing active advocacy on our positions, participating in conferences, debates…

Independent Forums: What’s one thing about your organization that you wish more people knew?

Siska Pottie: The importance of shaping regulatory and policy environments to foster, accelerate and sustain the transition of the food systems. And that likeminded stakeholders are very welcome to join EAPF to support us in our work. 😊

Independent Forums: Where do you see the biggest opportunity for transformation within the food system?

Siska Pottie: Moving towards plant-rich diets, ending intensive livestock farming and moving towards regenerative farming, restoring soils and biodiversity.

Independent Forums: What are you most looking forward to at Future Food Systems 2022?

Siska Pottie: Meeting and hearing many different people with different inspirational views and solutions that will contribute to better future food systems as I am convinced we will need many different solutions as there is no single bullet to solve this very complex issue.


Siska will be speaking in the 'Influencing Consumer Behavior Change' session on 26 January 2022.

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